50 Common Myths Related to WordPress Hacking

Published August 7, 2024

50 Common Myths Related to WordPress Hacking

Published August 7, 2024

In the world of websites, WordPress often gets a bad rap when it comes to security—mostly because of some silly myths. Believing these myths is like thinking a superhero cape will protect you from a tornado. It can leave your site vulnerable to attacks. 

Let’s clear up 10 common misconceptions about WordPress security and give you the real tips you need to keep your site safe from issues like cross-site scripting attacks. With the right knowledge, you can make your WordPress site as secure as a digital fortress! 

  1. Myth: WordPress Websites Are Too Popular to Be Secure 
  • Fact: Popularity makes WordPress a target, but with proper security measures, you can protect your site. To prevent WordPress website from hacking, follow best practices and use security plugins. 
  1. Myth: Only Large Sites Get Hacked 
  • Fact: Small and medium-sized WordPress sites are also vulnerable. Hackers use automated tools to exploit any site. To fix a hacked WordPress website, follow a structured recovery process. 
50 Common Myths Related to WordPress Hacking
  1. Myth: Security Plugins Alone Are Enough 
  • Fact: While security plugins are helpful, they should be part of a comprehensive strategy. Regular updates, strong passwords, and backups are essential to prevent WordPress website from hacking. 
  1. Myth: You Don’t Need to Worry About Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) 
  • Fact: XSS attacks can compromise user data and site integrity. To prevent XSS, use input validation, output encoding, and implement content security policies. 
  1. Myth: My Hosting Provider’s Security Is Sufficient 
  • Fact: Even with a secure hosting provider, your site can still be vulnerable. Regular maintenance, updates, and additional security measures are necessary to fix a hacked WordPress website
  1. Myth: Regular Updates Aren’t Important 
  • Fact: Updates include critical security patches. Keeping WordPress, themes, and plugins up to date is crucial to prevent WordPress websites from hacking
  1. Myth: Backups Are Optional 
  • Fact: Regular backups are vital. In case of a hack, they allow you to recover a hacked WordPress website efficiently. 
  1. Myth: Strong Passwords Are Enough 
  • Fact: While strong passwords are important, they should be complemented by other security measures like two-factor authentication to prevent WordPress website from hacking
  1. Myth: A Hacked Site Can’t Be Recovered 
  • Fact: You can recover a hacked WordPress website by restoring from backups, cleaning malware, and updating all software. 
  1. Myth: Cross-Site Scripting Hacks Are Rare 
  • Fact: XSS attacks are common and can be devastating. Understanding and addressing XSS vulnerabilities is essential for fixing a hacked WordPress website and preventing future issues. 
  1. Myth: WordPress Is Secure Right Out of the Box 
  • Fact: While WordPress provides a foundation for security, it requires additional measures, such as configuration adjustments and security plugins, to ensure robust protection. 
  1. Myth: You Only Need Security Measures for Admin Users 
  • Fact: Security should apply to all user roles. Even non-admin users can be targets or accidentally introduce vulnerabilities, so everyone’s access should be controlled and monitored. 
  1. Myth: My Site Is Safe Because I Use a Popular Theme/Plugin 
  • Fact: Popular themes and plugins can also have vulnerabilities. Regular updates and security reviews are essential, regardless of the plugin or theme’s popularity. 
  1. Myth: Using a Security Plugin Is a Set-and-Forget Solution 
  • Fact: Security plugins need regular updates and configuration adjustments. They are a tool in a broader security strategy, not a standalone solution. 
  1. Myth: A Firewall Will Completely Protect Your Site 
  • Fact: While a firewall is important, it doesn’t guarantee complete protection. It should be part of a multi-layered security approach, including updates and backups. 
  1. Myth: Regular Security Scans Are Enough 
  • Fact: Scans are helpful but not sufficient on their own. Continuous monitoring and proactive security measures are needed to protect against evolving threats. 
  1. Myth: Cloud-Based Hosting Services Are Always Secure 
  • Fact: While cloud hosting providers offer robust security, the responsibility for securing your site also lies with you. Implement additional security practices to complement cloud services. 
  1. Myth: HTTPS Is Enough for Security 
  • Fact: HTTPS secures data transmission but does not protect against all threats. Comprehensive security involves multiple layers, including site updates and malware protection. 
  1. Myth: Your Site Can’t Be Hacked If You Have Low Traffic 
  • Fact: Hackers don’t discriminate based on site traffic. Automated tools can target any site, regardless of its traffic levels, so security is crucial for all sites. 
  1. Myth: A Single Security Measure Can Cover All Risks 
  • Fact: No single measure provides complete security. A combination of updates, strong passwords, backups, and monitoring is necessary to effectively protect your WordPress site
  1. Myth: A Secure Login Page Will Stop All Attacks 
  • Fact: While a secure login page is important, it is only one aspect of website security. Comprehensive protection includes regular updates, secure configurations, and monitoring for vulnerabilities. 
  1. Myth: All Security Vulnerabilities Are Known and Fixed 
  • Fact: New vulnerabilities are discovered regularly, and some may not yet have patches or fixes. Continuous monitoring and proactive security measures are essential. 
  1. Myth: Free Security Plugins Are Just as Effective as Paid Ones 
  • Fact: While some free plugins offer good protection, paid plugins often provide more comprehensive features and support. Evaluate your needs and choose a solution that best fits your security requirements. 
  1. Myth: Security Breaches Only Affect the Frontend 
  • Fact: Security issues can also impact the backend, such as the admin panel and database. Protecting all parts of your site is crucial to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches. 
  1. Myth: Regularly Changing Passwords Is Unnecessary 
  • Fact: Regularly changing passwords helps reduce the risk of compromised accounts. Combine this with strong passwords and other security measures for better protection. 
  1. Myth: Your Website’s Security Is Only as Strong as Its Weakest Link 
  • Fact: While a single vulnerability can be a risk, securing all aspects of your site and using a multi-layered approach enhances overall security. 
  1. Myth: Only Large Websites Need to Worry About DDoS Attacks 
  • Fact: Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks can target any site, large or small. Implementing measures to mitigate DDoS attacks can help ensure your site remains accessible. 
  1. Myth: Automated Backup Services Guarantee Security 
  • Fact: While automated backups are crucial, they need to be part of a broader security plan. Regularly test backups and ensure they are stored securely. 
  1. Myth: Website Security Is a One-Time Fix 
  • Fact: Website security is an ongoing process. Regular updates, monitoring, and reviews are necessary to adapt to evolving threats and maintain protection. 
  1. Myth: All Hosting Providers Offer the Same Level of Security 
  • Fact: Hosting providers vary in the security features they offer. Research and choose a provider that meets your security needs and offers features like regular backups and server monitoring. 
  1. Myth: Hacking Is Always a Result of a Vulnerability 
  • Fact: While vulnerabilities are a common cause, hacking can also result from human error, such as poor security practices or configuration mistakes. 
  1. Myth: Your Site Is Safe If It’s Not Listed in Public Directories 
  • Fact: Not being listed in public directories doesn’t mean your site is immune to attacks. Hackers use various methods to discover vulnerabilities, regardless of public visibility. 
  1. Myth: Old or Deprecated Plugins Are Safe If They Still Work 
  • Fact: Deprecated plugins may not receive security updates and can be exploited. Always use supported and updated plugins to ensure safety. 
  1. Myth: A Secure Site Doesn’t Need Regular Security Reviews 
  1. Myth: Website Security Is the Same for All Platforms 
  • Fact: Security needs vary by platform. While many principles apply broadly, WordPress-specific security practices are necessary to address its unique vulnerabilities. 
  1. Myth: You Don’t Need Security if You Have a VPN 
  • Fact: A VPN protects data transmission but doesn’t secure your WordPress site. Comprehensive security includes proper site configuration and monitoring. 
  1. Myth: Server-Side Security Is All You Need 
  • Fact: While server-side security is important, client-side security measures, such as secure coding practices and input validation, are also essential. 
  1. Myth: HTTPS Alone Prevents All Types of Attacks 
  • Fact: HTTPS secures data in transit but doesn’t address all security issues. A complete security strategy includes updates, firewalls, and monitoring. 
  1. Myth: Regular Maintenance Is Only About Functionality 
  • Fact: Regular maintenance is crucial for security. It includes updates, backups, and vulnerability assessments, not just ensuring functionality. 
  1. Myth: Free Hosting Services Are Just as Secure 
  • Fact: Free hosting services often lack robust security features. Investing in a reputable hosting provider with strong security measures is a better option. 
  1. Myth: You Can Rely on Your Web Developer for Security 
  • Fact: While web developers play a role, security is a shared responsibility. Ensure you’re involved in the security process and understand best practices. 
  1. Myth: A Secure Login Page Guarantees Site Safety 
  • Fact: A secure login page is just one part of site security. Full protection involves a range of measures, including proper site configuration and regular monitoring. 
  1. Myth: Your Site Is Secure If You Don’t See Any Issues 
  • Fact: Not seeing visible issues doesn’t mean your site is secure. Regular security scans and monitoring are necessary to detect hidden threats. 
  1. Myth: An Active Security Community Guarantees Site Safety 
  • Fact: While an active security community helps, it doesn’t ensure complete safety. Proactive measures and regular updates are crucial for protection. 
  1. Myth: Server Configuration Is the Only Security Concern 
  • Fact: Security extends beyond server configuration. It includes site-level practices such as secure coding, plugin management, and user access control. 
  1. Myth: Once a Site Is Secured, It’s Safe Forever 
  • Fact: Security is an ongoing process. New vulnerabilities and threats emerge regularly, so continuous updates and monitoring are required. 
  1. Myth: Malware Removal Is a One-Time Fix 
  • Fact: Removing malware is just the start. You must also address the vulnerabilities that allowed the malware in and improve overall security. 
  1. Myth: External Links Can’t Compromise Your Site 
  • Fact: Malicious external links can lead to phishing attacks or malware. Implement measures to handle external content safely and monitor for suspicious links. 
  1. Myth: Security Issues Are Always Obvious 
  • Fact: Security issues can be subtle and not immediately apparent. Regular security audits and monitoring can help identify and address hidden problems. 
  1. Myth: Security Measures Are Not Necessary for Low-Traffic Sites 
  • Fact: Security is important for all sites, regardless of traffic. Automated tools and opportunistic hackers can target any site, so robust security is essential for hacked website repair

By addressing these myths, you can strengthen your WordPress site’s security and better protect it from various threats and vulnerabilities. 


Now that we’ve debunked these pesky myths, it is time to tackle WordPress security with ease and confidence. These tips are your trusty toolkit for your site against attacks. IT Company – ISO 27001 certified will provide you with 360 protection and security measures with expert guidance to ensure that your digital assets don’t face any vulnerabilities.  

Remember, the key to a secure WordPress site isn’t about superpowers—it’s about staying informed and taking proactive steps. With the right strategies, you can turn your website into a true digital fortress. So go ahead, put your newfound knowledge into action and keep those pesky hackers at bay! 


Why do hackers target websites only? 

Hackers target websites because they often contain valuable data, such as user information and financial details, and can be used to exploit vulnerabilities for financial gain, sabotage, or unauthorized access. Websites also offer a platform to spread malware or engage in other malicious activities. 

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