WordPress Sites security compromised after Cyberattack

Published May 14, 2022
Author: Ash Khan

WordPress Sites security compromised after Cyberattack

Published May 14, 2022
Author: Ash Khan

Cyberattack on WordPress hacked thousands of sites redirecting visitors to scam sites.

Cyberattack launched against WordPress sites. It is reported that JavaScript-based malware was injected into these sites. The malware redirects visitors to scam sites and other websites. It is suspected it is done to create traffic and improve ranking on such websites.

Malware analyst Krasimir Konov stated that a similar issue is observed on all websites. These affected websites share core WordPress hosting. Similarly, these sites are injected with the same corrupted JavaScript.

WordPress sites Cyberattack

The attackers have infected these sites in such a manner that the visitors unknowingly get redirected to other sites. This is a quite cunning phishing attack as visitors get to a destination without knowing it is in fact the wrong one.

The end domain of the redirect chain is used for advertisements, phishing content, or malware that furthers the cycle of redirection.

It is also observed that this malware redirects users to a fake CAPTCHA check page. The malicious ads are smartly veiled in the CAPTCHA check. When a viewer clicks these ads, they get their click. While visitor thinks it is an operating system security check. 

Malware analysts further reiterated that the cyberattack is targeted at weak points and vulnerabilities of WordPress sites. The attackers specifically targeted vulnerable WordPress plugins and themes. This compromised website security, so they were injected with malicious JavaScript.

This cyberattack seems like a continuation of the April 2022 cyberattack wave that affected more than 6500 websites. As of May 9th, the infected JavaScript has affected approximately 322 websites.

In conclusion!

With improvements in technology, there are always consequences. Humans are prone to negativity. If someone is learning defensive hacking that is because someone has learned offensive attack. Cyberattacks are increasing significantly because technology is more accessible now.

Given the recent influx of WordPress sites attacks there are preventive steps that could be taken. Although these cyberattacks cannot be stopped completely. However, they can be prevented, and you can decrease the level of damage they cause. For that it is suggested that users should keep WordPress themes, plugins and versions updated. It is also advised you should limit logins and activate two-factor authentication. You should also place website security measures and sweep for malware to hinder unwelcomed intruders.

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